Monday, 7 January 2008

Building Construction Kit

I really wanted to use the BCK by Nytir to enhance the areas in the mod, but until last night I had some problem with it. It's a great but very time consuming kit that provides the builder with lots (218) of building blocks to use pretty much like Lego but without the nice interlocking knobs.

The problem was that my mod won't load when using the provided hak pack. I'm not sure why because there's nothing wrong with placeables.2da but when I re-packed the content into a new hak it worked. That sounds easy, and it was. The boring thing was that it took me three evenings to discover that it wasn't the 2da-file that made the game halt. Well, it's forgotten now and I have already built a nice long indoor 25 pieces complex bridge which looks much better than the old slum dock wooden bridge. I'm afraid that I will prioritize playing with it before making dull scripting :) It also make my module fatter but it's allways looks before size!


Nalencer said...

Looks before size, yes. I'd rather download an awesome-looking 150M mod than an average looking 100M mod. The extra content is well worth the added size, generally.

Ernie Noa said...

That looks tempting to play with.

Amraphael said...

:D The mod is now 225 Mb and the HAK is just over 115 Mb. I'll have to do some optimizing before the release. Unfortunately I believe I only will hunt down a few Mb.

BCK is very fun to play with. As I said, it's also very time consuming. Aligning, adjusting height etc takes time not counting the usual toolset crashes when rotating placeables too often and too fast.