Tuesday 17 July 2007

I solved it!

It's not the final texturing but here it is! The Magic Rubber Boat! And I have to say: It's much prettier in the game than on this screenie. My scripting works fine and it travels up and down River Frigid like a real lady. Now I call it a day!


Berliad said...

Congrats! I'm excited to see folks aside from Adam Miller successfully creating and installing custom content into the game. -B

Ernie Noa said...

Impressive! Most impressive.

Amraphael said...

Thanks a lot both Berliad and Ernie! The say the toolset has a steep learning curve, but Gmax (and 3DS Max too I suppose) is one of the hardest software I've tried to learn and I've worked with lots of hard-to-use programs in the audio production industry.