Monday 25 February 2008

Couldn't keep my hands away from the toolset.

I sneaked away early today and got one hour of toolset quality time before making dinner. And I got the first image from the Maze area ready for you. It's a "non-descript part of the maze" as the original game says. I'd say it looks like the maze is habitated by someone or something...


Jclef said...

I see a lot of nice touches & attention to detail in that room. In particular, the make-shift tray. Oh, and the stacking skulls of course.

Nice shot there!

Briesence said...

I like the shelves full of skulls. :)

Ernie Noa said...

I like the skulls on the shelf too. Very ominous.

EC said...

The red brick wall is what really struck my eye.

To the point where I'm going to adopt this texture/color scheme for my Shadowdale "Keep" basement.

I hope you don't mind. :)

Amraphael said...

Thanks, all of you, for your kind comments!

The skulls is not entirely my idea. I think I saw it first in a NWN1-module on the Vault, or if it was a prefab. Anyway it looks very nasty and reminds me of some cool tombs I once saw in Rome. There were bones and skulls stacked along the neverending walls.

The home made temporary table was also very easy to build - if you have the nice wooden planks/boards I made to block the windows of the house, of course :) Thats a great kit I have. A couple of planks in different angles and shapes together a few wooden beams in the shapes. I can build tables, make beams to support cave roofs or just make a simple sign or notice board.

I like the tile colors setting too and was surprised that it really looked like classic red clack brick in the game.

Just shout if you want the RGB codes.

Josh said...

Nice, really liking the wall texture. I immediately noticed all of the details you put into the room to make it appear desolate.

Amraphael said...

Thank you, Josh. I've played a lot with tinting lately and it can bring forward lots of details that didn't occur in the original tile coloring. It's a sad thing that not every tileset is tintable. It wouldn't be hard to do, just time consuming.