Monday 25 February 2008

Two days work lost!

Despite the size I decided to use the RWS Deep Chasm Tileset to make the maze more dynamic. It's a very nice collection of tiles in three different levels. The texturing leaves a bit to wish for but the overall feeling is just perfect for this part of the game. At Saturday morning I put it in and worked all day with the maze. Sunday I spent on securing all transitions and random doors then I started to script the parts that is associated with the maze. I even wrote a short conversation (I felt great - because there are so very few of them in the game).

At the evening after we'd watched Miyazaki's My Neighbour Totoro (I really loved it), I did my usual backup and tried to play a bit. Argh, the area doesn't load! I restored my backups all way back to Saturday morning without luck. It seems that the area got corrupted that first save and that I had made backups of a non functional module all the time. It don't even loads in the toolset anymore. Well. well, this was the first time I've encountered such bug so I don't hang my head. I'll have a go on it again at Thursday.

The upcomming weekend will be dedicated to my wife. We will take in on al uxious manor house at Friday - Saturday, just relaxing, eating and drinking. At Sunday we visit an afteroon teaparty were you can eat so much candy, cake and cookies you wish, everything are homemade and of the very best quality. Next week I'm back on diet :)


EC said...

Sorry to hear about your troubles. I'm glad for you that it's just the first time you got hit this bad, and that you don't sound too beaten down by the event.

I guess after a while we learn to expect area corruption at some point or another...

Amraphael said...

Yes, I'm glad too. I'm getting used to having lots of toolset crashes with corrupt modules several times everytime I work with this module (it close to 300 Mb so that's expected). This one was nasty because I'd never noticed that this area was wrecked before it was way too late.

Wyrin said...

I love Miyazaki films and my neighbour totoro - I was given a Cat-Bus plush toy for my 30th!

Sometimes I do think one big crash and i'd pack in my project. Touch wood it's only been a few hours at most i've lost the past few times.

Amraphael said...

Wow, the Cat-Bus! You must have been a kind boy to someone!

I screamed loud and almost throw my wireless mouse into the wall when I realized how much work I had lost. And I didn't want to touch the toolset any more that day. It took me a couple of days to fix everything and I'm pleased to see that it's even better this time. But no, crashes are no fun, not at all.