Tuesday 27 May 2008



Jazhara7 said...

Now, that's just cute. ^_^

- :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Wyrin said...

I think my girlfriend turns into a grue when we go to ikea...

Me: Go North
ZORK: You stand inside the Ikea entrance, surrounded by crowds of shoppers. Your credit card is likely to be eaten by a Grue

Amraphael said...

>Kill the shopping-trolls with the Allen wrench.
>Go West.
>Enter the Exit

You are standing in an open parking lot west of a large yellow and blue warehouse. A secret path leads southwest into the forest.

Ernie Noa said...



EC said...

Haha! Very funny.

They really do sell all sorts of stuff.

Do they make Grue meat balls too? ;)