Tuesday 21 October 2008

Upgraded to Patch 1.13

It worked like a charm. This was the first patch that didn't end up in tears and twisting my ears. I prepared myself well by downloading the current version of all my toolset plugins.
Lots of thanks goes t0 LadyDesire for taking up Tanita's work on recompiling older plugins and to GrinningFool for some really great tools - Especially the Usability Tools Plugin.
After a total backup of all NWN2 files I emptied my override folder and run the upgrade from 1.12.1295 to 1.13.1407 and finally to 13.1409. It went fine so I started to compare my modifed 2DA's with the possible changed ones in the patch. I recommend this fine tool for comparing files. It's free and called DiffMerge. It makes life much easier. I restored the override folder and did a test run of a random sets of areas in my module. No issues found.

So now I got my toolset preview back, the sound and light spheres are showing the real radius and haks are loaded in the correct order. Life's great!

Take care out there!


Wyrin said...

11 days to go...


Amraphael said...

Thanks for reminding me Wyrin :)

Nah, that deadline clock will probably count days a long time after the presumed release date. I've decided to let it run as a bad conscience so that I keep on working hard with the module.

EC said...

Thanks for the tip on DiffMerge. Used it last night and it was extremely useful.