Monday 5 November 2007

Eleven months and twelve days!

Yesterday me and my wife finished the NWN2 Official Campaign after playing it almost a whole year. We said we would play a bit after breakfast and then do some work at home before lunch. Yeah right! Nine hours later we hadn't cleaned or done the laundry. We hadn't eaten or been outside the house shopping for dinner. Instead he had defeated the King of Shadows and were quite impressed by ourselves. I played with a bard and my wife had a wizard. No prestige classes or such, just plain an clean wizard and bard team. We did mainly use Khelgar and Neeshka for our quests and we were totaly chocked over Neeskhas decision at the end. Our characters was really fun to play but in the end the final fight was almost too hard for us. We should have been spending our money on healing potions and scrolls, but winning a really hard fight after 65 minutes of screaming and sweating is so very rewarding.

We had heard lots of complains about the OC, but after playing it through we think it's much better than the NWN1 OC and it stands strong agains other games in the genre. A few flaws though. The multiplayer support sucks. Restricting dialogues and area transitions to whole party feels old and square. The compainon system does not work as smooth as one could wish for multiplayer. We both think that the music and voice over sometimes crosses the border to C-movie quality. And the romance part was... euch... no romance, just embarrasing. Not to mention all the badies you can't attack before you have done some "friendly" talking to them

One a BGII-scale NWN2 OC gets a 3.9 out of 5 which is very good and the game is a joy for the eye and a hellish low price for lots of fun hours play. I would believe it's the cheapest entertainment one can buy for money today.

Now my wife and I will play a NWN1 game before going back to NWN2 to play Mask of the Betrayer or if I may choose - she sometimes let me do that :) - Keep on the Borderland. It's the last part of the Aielund Saga we've been waiting for so long. It will be fun to pick up our characters the twin-halfling-thief-brothers, Muerdo and Puerdo and let them stab and sneak and leave badiebodies along the roads of Aielund.

Yes, I promise I will work on the ZORK module too!


Ernie Noa said...

Congratulations on finishing the OC, I really enjoyed it myself. I just his a show stopper bug on MotB but might have a way around it using a console command.

Anonymous said...

Hello, hello. I'm glad I found your page-- you look like you are doing great things with the toolset, and I can't wait to try ZORK. I was also excited to hear that you and your wife play togeather-- that is so cool.

I have a story and ideas for areas that I can't wait to publish. I enjoy the toolset (despite the hourly crashes), and I would be honored for you to play it when (heh, at this grim point IF) I get it finished.

However, I'm having the unpacking problem. I was using the toolset, and then installed MotB-- used the toolset for a few weeks with no issues, and then when I when I went in to play test it (which I do a lot of) the problem just sprang up. Is it because of the animated placeables?

I am very new to the toolset. I have only used it for a few months. I do not use any add-ons. Can you help me?

Amraphael said...

Hi Ernie, I saw that there's lots of people wondering if they have hit a show stopper or if they just missed something. I'm sure it will be some solutions when we will begin to play MotB because I convinced my wife to play KotB first. It wasn't hard, I just said "It's the guy who made Hythum I and II" :) I've already played it but it will be fun to play it togheter.

Amraphael said...

Hi seanagone,
glad to hear that you are using the toolset!
It's kind of hard to guess what problem you have stumbled into. But here's what I'd do first.

- Make a safety copy of your whole \My documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\ folder.

- Check that you've really made the copy, and double check again :)

- Delete your \My documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\

- Start the game, close it and now you will have a new nice \My documents\Neverwinter Nights 2\

- Copy back your own module togheter with it's dependent files (overrides, hak's etc)

Try if it works now. Next you should check out all of your custom *.2da-files, check numbering empty lines and such.

Another thing. Go to
and ask the friendly commuity. You will almost certain get lots of help there.

Ernie Noa said...

Glad you are giving keep on the borderlands another go. I hope you wife enjoys it.

The advice about the toolset is priceless and spot on. All new and long time modders would be wise to heed it.