Today I got my self together and ditched my old House Area. It wasn't just good looking enough. Even after a few hours and with lots of work left to do to it I'm really pleased with it. The new house looks great and the landscape is smooth and flowing. Even the same white birch and apple trees are better looking in this new area. Left to do to it is a stone wall around the house. Lots of color shading and to place that difficult grass. Oh, yes - the white mailbox of course :)
This area is the starting area so it's important that it feels absolutly right. I think it will. After this there's only one area left to do - the hard one...
So decided to give you some screen shots even if they isn't the final stuff and incomplete in thousand ways. If you want you can compare with
the old area here.
"You are standing in an open field west of a white house, with a boarded front door."
"The door is boarded and you can't remove the boards."
"You are behind the white house. A path leads into the forest to the east. In one corner of the house is a small window."
"You are on the north side of a white house.
To the north is a narrow path winds through the trees."
"You are facing the south side of a white house."
"West of House. A secret path leads southwest into the forest."
Holy crap!
Yeah buddy, really nice work - That is one beautiful area. I'm sure the stone wall is going bring it over the edge of awesomeness!
Just like I remember it... very cool.
Absolutely gorgeous. :)
Very kind words, all of you! It was a very fun area to work with and the adding the final touch to it will go easy. It's quite a few details left to do, but I love to do those last little things. I suppose I didn't have the opportunity to play enough with doll houses when I was a small boy :) Now when I've hit the big 4-0 I play with placeable houses and dresses creature dolls, then I play with them all days long. Great life!
Lovely area and can't wait until I am able to explore it!
Like Ernie said: It's as I remember it, and very nicely done too. That white house brings back lots of memories... I also love your captions to the screenshots. Are you going to use these orginal game lines in your version? A triggered speakstring or sendmessagetopc could be cool and really make the connection with the original. Anyway, just a random thought.
Rather than playing dolls, I like to see the TS as the table top wargamer's dream come true: I built a drow army the other day and layed it all out in a flat exterior area. It was like I had before me the army I never could have when I used to play Battle System or Warhammer.
Anyway, good luck on the last stretch!
Thanks Lady E,
have fun in Puerto Rico!
I'll be using the captions in the loadscreens like this:
I also use some original game lines with speak string triggers but only where the game graphics can't tell by them self. Don't want to flood the player(s) with floating text string. There's a lot of them already :)
As said some times before. This won't end up as a complete conversion or adaptation but more like an interpretation based on the Z1 with elements from Z2, Z3 and the Enchanter games.
The last strech, yes... And it's a long, long one. I still have a few pages of bugs to fix too. Not to mention all the polishing.
The load screens are brilliant! Great idea and very nicely done.
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