Saturday 22 March 2008

Module catch-up at NWN2Forums

Inspired of Lady Elvenstar's great update, I realized that people that are interested of modules in work don't want to or don't have the time to visit the blogs around. I love to do it, but not every one does. So I decided to make a catch-up on the last months work and post it. It was fun to do but I'm also realizing why I don't do it weekly. Sporadic updates on the NWN2F is my thing for the future.

If you are interested the update is here:

location lLink = GetLocation(GetObjectByTag("topic=623051&forum=111")


Ernie Noa said...

You are a true coding junkie my friend. Very funny bit of code at the end. I really like coding humor.

I really should post on the forums about my mod, or anything. It's been a while. I surf the blogs I link to each day and that's all I seem to get to. I really should post about Hythum on the forum too.

Take care good sir.

Amraphael said...

Yes I think you should do a post so that everyone get a heads up on it.
It takes time to do it though.I did 11 weeks of updates and it sucked the energy out of me so for me it will be whenever I feels like it.

Wyrin said...

hey that's almost as bad as me joking to my girlfriend about a failed gc_skill_dc(1,15).... ;)

Ryshara said...

Glad that I was able to inspire you, friend! I think that people appreciate when we post on the forums too - I noticed that when I did my post. :)