Wednesday 19 November 2008

Playing the pipe

No, not the painting with the same name but some rusty sewer-pipes. Tired of fiddling with the combat scripting I spent some hours making a few more pipe models for the module. It's a couple of bends, valves and a new texture. I don't know if those ever will be interesting for someone else as I'm pretty sure that iron pipes and valves are rare in Forgotten Realms. In the Great Underground Empire they are common though.

The guy in the background has nothing to do with the pipes. They are a part of my old self-balancing encounter generator. For the moment they are spanking an overpowering troll...


Wyrin said...

Ceci n'est pas une pipe!

looks pretty funky - can see lots of gnomish alchemist laboratories making good use of this.

Lariam said...

Right - we've yet to experience the module that tells the story of Lantan sinking... I imagine some pipes may have been involved.

They look very cool.

PJH said...


With the plant in the last picture and you making pipes, I'm starting to wonder.

Jclef said...

Great work with the pipe, Amraphael - looks really good!